Posted by: sara | July 22nd, 2015
I suppose we have come a long way since Marconi's first public radio transmission in 1896! And in our fast-paced world of lightning-quick communications with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and email, it is hard to believe that there are still lots of folks who listen to talk shows on the radio. On AM stations. In counties where there are lots of small towns and cities.
As my friend and home funeral guide Merilynne Rush says, sometimes it feels like she's swimming upstream in her efforts to help people discuss death and face their mortality, which often includes speaking about home funeral and green burial. I feel you, Merilynne. But I keep reaching out and doing what I can to get people thinking about these issues.
On June 26, I was the featured guest on WBAG's "Meeting Place" with host Olin Campbell. The show went swimmingly well to keep that metaphor going, and I didn't feel like I was fighting the current! People were genuinely interested and called in with great questions about home funeral and green burial.
Here's the interview in its entirety. I hope you will enjoy it!